2007년 12월 9일 일요일

On my way to the U.S.A

Picture that I took in the flight
August, 14th 2007.
Until now, I can't forget the emotions of the point that I was getting in the airplane.
Nervousness, happiness, exactness... various kind of feelings are mixed in my brain, so I couldn't fall asleep easily. The sky that I saw through the small window was really clear and peaceful. The beautiful aspect makes me more please.
During last semester, I've have many experiences, which all kind of things have been big events to me.
In the present, I think I am a really happy person.
I'll keep my life in the happy life with positive mind!!
벌써 한학기가 지나고... 얼마나 많은 변화가 있었는지
솔직히 잘 모르겠다.
어떤 변화가 나에게 일어났는지 확실히 지금은 모르겠다.
그렇지만 그 변화가 positive한 것만은 확신할 수 있을 것 같다
그것만으로도 난 확연한 성공은 아니지만,
만족스러운 한 학기였다고 말하고 싶다.

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