2007년 11월 25일 일요일

wonder girls

They are a Korean famous girls group.
This group is consisted with five young girls, they are really cute and pretty.
Their dance set the fashion in Korea!! Almost girls practice this dance
such like Soulja boy's dance in America.
I knew this song just few days ago, as soon as I saw this song, really addicted.
I tried to follow this dance, but failed...
I am not sure, people who live in other country think this song is interesting,
but i want to give chance to meet Korean funny song and dance.

댓글 4개:

Pauline :

Cute to see the Korean "spice girls" even if I can't understand the lyrics! I really liked it!


dvmunca :

:):):) You are right, Jihee, they are cute! Not great voices, but still very cute:)

Kelly :

tell me tell me tetetetell me~
Actually I don't like these girls, but the song is good!

Alex Cao :

Is this one of your favourite songs? And I also like some Korean movies. By the way, I like 宋慧乔。but I don't know her Korean name....
Do you know her?